Saturday, August 15, 2009

Computer programs - who needs them??

Once I had my blog page happening, I thought I would only write one blog a week, and wondered if there would be enough happening in my life, quilt wise, to be able to live up to that goal. However, after trying for what seems like hours to get a program loaded on to my computer (unsuccessfully, I might add), I decided to write another blog, because this at least is interesting and fun to do!! I also spent a couple of hours pruning the roses in my front garden, and I have the cuts and scratches onmy arms to prove it.

I still haven't made much progress on my sister's Japanese quilt (too busy on the pc and in the garden), but I know what I want to do, so it shouldn't take long. It just needs motivation - anyone have any to spare?! I have 3 quilt tops ready to be quilted - 2 by machine and 1 by hand, and none of these are really needed until next year, so I have lots of time for the Japanese quilt - I just need to start.

Once that quilt is done, I would like to do another 'bug' quilt. That looked fabulous, and I know a couple of young boys who would love it. I also have 3 pillow slips to make - 1 with spiders, 1 with construction vehicles and the other is very girly - all pink with ballerinas.

I also want to scan all the photos of my quilt into the computer, so that I can put them on my iPod and on my blog page. Therefore, I should have lots to talk about in future blogs.

And about the computer, I have had enough - I will take it to the computer guy on Monday and see what he can do.

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