Saturday, January 9, 2010

Accomplishments and things still to do

I love this time of year - on leave from work and able to just potter around at home and get things finished that have been on my 'to do' list for quite some time. Not just patchwork items, but gardening (was up at 8.00 a.m. this morning pruning the roses in the front yard), getting some home maintenance items attended to and visiting Spotlight on average once a day every day.

While the 'artistic friend' is sunning herself in Queensland and in addition to the items above, I have been working my fingers to the bone (!) and now have 3 quilts ready for machine quilting and 1 ready for hand quilting (which I started today). I have a great sense of accomplishment over these quilts, but as I don't want to rest on my laurels, I have started collecting ideas for another black, white and red quilt for my oldest nephew's 21st (2012). I would also like to plan a baby quilt, but as I don't know who this is for at the moment, that may have to wait.

Although I did want to start my 'birds eye view' quilt over this Christmas period, that hasn't happened, but it will give me something to work on during the year.

Oops, I almost forgot the memory quilt I am doing for a girlfriend's 50th early this year. I have pieced together all the rectangles of fabric that have been returned so far, but am still waiting for the pieces from her husband and sons, and my sister and her children. I haven't thought of what I am going to do either, but I can always just depend on the label on the back of the quilt.

I go back to work on Monday, and although I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off, I feel ready to return to the grindstone. There is still lots of stuff to do at home, but I find that I am getting bored now and need other things to distract me - and if last year was any indication, work will fit this bill very well.

I am off to the beach tomorrow to visit my sister and her children - not sure how many children will be there as the 'cricket mad' nephew with the hotted up and very loud car may still be in Melbourne playing cricket. It won't be a direct drive to the beach, as I need to stop by the airport and collect 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. The niece has said that 1 dozen is never enough as one of her brothers (the cricket mad one), just inhales them!!

For all my readers, may you have a very productive year full of lots of laughs and finished projects.

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