There are 6" squares positioned on the bed in the front room for the next quilt, there are 8" 'Drunkard's Path' pieces in a flat frozen pastry sheet box ready for the quilt after that, there is the niece's 21st quilt that I just need to have quilted (by machine), there is a knitted reindeer (many thanks to the artistic friend for that idea!) that needs thought and concentration and a few unfinished objects. Not too much to get stressed about, but enough to keep me busy.
The sales on have dropped off dramatically (I only made two!), so there is no need to refresh my dilly bag stock at the moment. I had hoped to make decorative long legged bunnies for Easter to sell, but the really, really, really urgent project put paid to that idea - for this year at least.
Anyway, I had better go and make further progress on the urgent project (I have even brought it into work so that I can do some quilting at lunchtime!).